My Dear Friend Simon from Liberia

Dear Friends,
Way back in the 1600’s, many Europeans believed the world had entered into the Apocalypse. There were cruel plagues, high mortality rates – and far worse – many who didn’t subscribe to a ‘common’ Christian belief system… These Europeans fervently believed the End of Days was closing in, but oddly, the Four Horsemen never materialized. Somehow the human race persevered in Europe and elsewhere. Ultimately, it was the selfless: the sacrificers, the healers, the caring brothers and sisters – who kept us believing in a good earth and the benevolence of mankind.

Today in my local paper there was a touching article about people traveling to Liberia to bring comfort to the afflicted. In West Africa: communities and neighbors, medics and health workers, caring volunteers are all selflessly giving – it is they who bring the lion’s heart and the healer’s shield into battle. The war against Ebola is far from over, but the brave are standing up. They’re challenging this virus and fighting it daily. The human spirit is a powerful healer.

I have a dear blog friend, Simon Tocclo who was born in Liberia. He’s a caring father, talented musician, but above all, Simon is a brother to all. I think of his family often and hope wherever they travel, they are well. Simon’s site is Liberian Me. If you haven’t visited, please do and let Simon know many hearts follow him, his family and his homeland.

SImon Says Peace

SImon Says Peace

Thank you. May we all dream together for all those who are not well…

11 thoughts on “My Dear Friend Simon from Liberia

  1. Beautiful artwork, beautiful message as per your usual, Miss! I will definitely check out Simon’s blog — it sounds fascinating, one I’d like to read. I hope that you’re having a sunny, warm-but-coolish (is that any oxymoron? LOL) Sunday evening. As the sun sets, I’m already planning for my busy tomorrow … but not working so hard that I can’t sit and appreciate the moment. 🙂


    • Ah, thanks Debra. SImon’s blog is very interesting and he tries bringing business to Liberia. It’s a gorgeous evening here warmish-coolish ;-). I’ve got the coffee ready to go for the am and lunch prepped – it’s as much as I can do without actually going in the day before 😉
      You have a wonderful tomorrow and don’t work too hard or stress – the animals will know.
      AnnMarie 🙂


  2. There are so many un-named, unheralded, who are truly doing God’s work in the world. Thank you to your friend Simon, my sweet friends Kimberly and Matt Davis toiling for Christ in London, and the myriads who put others before self. It is just warmish here at 10:00 p.m., the coolish will come later, I hope. Hugs, Fawn


    • Good morning Fawn,
      The folks traveling leaving their homes and traveling abroad to help others – amazing.
      Walked this morning at 5 and the stars and moon were out.
      Wonderful day to you too
      AnnMarie 🙂


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