The Big Heart of A Little Sister

Dear Friends,
I’m the proud owner of a little sister. Those of you that own little sisters know full well that as much as we age, our little sisters remain little in our hearts forever. They often keep us young. Mine keeps me laughing. She has a wry, wicked sense of humor. Whenever she tells a joke – which is often – her blue eyes sparkle and she wears the impish grin of her pig-tail days.
Me and Do little

My little sister is an avid dog-lover. She keeps two dogs as friends. I used one of her pet portraits as inspiration for my artwork below. The eccentric pooch – Shamus – was adopted many years ago. Shamus has many issues and enjoys dressing in my sister’s lingerie. The other one, Jamie – adopted a year ago – is black as night and as crazy as a bat in daylight. Jamie is a ninety pound pooch who believes his work office is on the nearest person’s lap.
Jamie and Shamus

So, to you my dear, little sister Dolores – I wish you the happiest of Birthday’s today!
Me & Do weddingLove, AnnMarie xo

29 thoughts on “The Big Heart of A Little Sister

  1. You two are lovely. And why do I get the feeling it’s not just the dogs that know how to stir up a little bit of trouble, lol.


  2. Your sister is lucky to have a big sis like you, AnnMarie — especially seeing as how you’ve featured her so nicely on your blog! Love the photo (even then, you appear to have been a protective sib) and dog art. Three cheers for your sister’s birthday (and for her being a dog lover)! Happy birthday, Dolores!


  3. my little sister is 21 years younger than me, and we have the same mum and dad , she was born after I was married and I am really happy to have her ! our mum died 16 years ago and now I am part mum part sister for her


  4. Little sisters are the best; I would be totally lost without mine. We are protective of each other, intensely loyal, and mildly crazed. Happy birthday to your sister — may you be best friends for ever and always. – Fawn


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